Transshipment of Sulphuric Acid
KGHM Metraco S.A. ensures a warehousing and transshipment base for sulphuric acid delivered to KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. and “Głogów” Copper Smelting Plant. The marine terminal is one of Europe’s most modern facilities of this kind, with two harbor transshipment arms having max. capacity of 1000 t/h – each. Sulphuric acid is delivered to the base using rail transport in quantity of 35 cisterns per transport. The siding has space for 12 rail cisterns standing on 2 tracks, with a possibility of unloading and loading 6 cisterns at the same time, with the following capacities: load rate 300 t/h; unload rate 170 t/h. Additionally, the Terminal has one stand for operation of lorry cisterns with load rate at a level of 55 t/h. There are three double wall tanks on the premises of the Terminal, total capacity of which is approx. 33 thousand tons. Yearly transshipment capacity is about 200 – 400 thousand ton.
Sulphuric Acid Storage Facility
Port Szczecin – Świnoujście
ul. Cłowa, brama nr 1
ph. +48 91 430 73 05
ph. +48 91 430 73 05
fax +48 91 430 73 04