Road durability and endurance depend on quality of applied materials, and most importantly on physical and chemical properties of aggregates.
Aggregates produced by KGHM Metraco S.A. are characterized by:
- steadiness of parameters of raw materials used for production,
- absence of natural impurities,
- high resistance to wear and fragmentation,
- low absorbability,
- very good frost resistance,
- low dust content,
- very good adhesion to bitumen,
- no frost-heave and high water permeability.
The buyers of KGHM Metraco S.A.’s aggregates include.: Budimex S.A., Mota Engil Central Europe S.A., Mirbud S.A., Strabag Sp. z o.o., PBD Głogów Sp. z o.o., Skanska S.A., Kontrakt Sp. z o.o.
Trade of Aggregates and Salt Department
ul. Rycerska 24
59-220 Legnica
ph. +48 76 866 77 89
ph. +48 76 866 77 49
ph. +48 76 866 77 43
Aggregates production
ph. +48 667 875 597
ph. +48 667 892 810
Aggregate Production Plant in Legnica
ph. +48 887 893 261
The raw material which is used for production of aggregates is slag, which is a by-product of copper smelting process carried out in the Głogów and Legnica Copper Smelting Plants. The material in question in 96.5 % is composed of rock-forming elements (including complex oxide compounds) – as a result, copper slag resembles with its chemical composition basalt and gabbro.
The mined raw material is transported to plant equipped with crushers and subsequently it is sifted using a set of sifters into particular fractions of different granulation. Hardness (value 6 according to Mosh scale), wear-resistance and susceptibility to crumbling make copper a perfect raw material for the production of building crushed aggregates being especially suitable in road construction. Depending on the needs, it is possible to produce high-quality mixes.
Owing to investments in new technologies, such as modernization of technological system in Legnica, or automation of processing plant for enrichment and classification of copper slag in Głogów, KGHM Metraco S.A. regularly increases its production capacity. The present capacity is 1.5 million per year and meets the demand of Clients from across the country.
Aggregates production
ph. +48 667 875 597
Aggregates production in Głogów
ph. +48 667 892 810
Aggregates production in Legnica
ph. +48 887 893 261

Standardization requirements
For the purposes of production of aggregates, the Company has:
- pre-tests of copper slag type of aggregate according to PN-EN 13043:2013-8, PN-EN 13242:2013-8,
- CE mark
- factory production control in 2+ system
- ISO certificate PN-EN 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015

Application: road construction
- grits for production of bituminous mix,
- aggregates for production of mixes,
- mixes for construction of subbase and roadbase,
- aggregates for construction of anti-frost layers, drainage layers and filter layers,
- aggregates for construction of embankments,
- intended for embankment layers in frost zone.

Commercial offer
- Fine granulated aggregates 0-5 mm
- Fine grit 5-8 mm
- Medium-size grit 8-11 mm
- Coarse grit 11-16 mm
- Coarse grit 16-22 mm
- Mix for mechanical stabilization 0-31,5 mm, 0-45 mm, 0-63 mm
- Aggregates of continuous granulation 0-31,5 mm, 0-45 mm, 0-63mm
Aggregate Production Plant
Aggregate Production Plant in Głogów is a production plant which processes copper slag from Głogów Copper Smelting Plant being a by-product of copper smelting process. Properly configured technological line makes it possible to manufacture valuable aggregates, part of physical and chemical parameters of which outcompete aggregates from natural rocks. Good geographical position of the plant creates an opportunity of cheaper transport for clients and thus – to lower the production costs. Products of the Company are delivered to trade partners by road and by rail. Project co-financed by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management
Aggregate Production Plant in Legnica is a production plant which processes copper slag from Głogów Copper Smelting Plant being a by-product of copper smelting process. Properly configured technological line makes it possible to manufacture valuable aggregates with continuous granulation and mixes. Good geographical position of the plant creates an opportunity of cheaper transport for clients and thus – to lower the production costs. Products of the Company are delivered to trade partners by road and by rail.