Anti-corruption and Anti-Bribery

Anti-corruption and Anti-Bribery
KGHM Metraco S.A. undertakes measures to suppress any signs of bribery and corruption.
The Company applies the Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Policy and it has implemented the „Instruction to prevent any act of bribery and corruption” applicable in the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Capital Group.
The Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Policy concerns all of us: workers, co-workers, stakeholders, contracting parties and our business partners.
Corruption and bribery is contradictory to our goal to be a responsible and trustworthy company.
We act in a just and fair way and we care about transparency of our actions.
The principle of preventing corruption and bribery, which is applicable in Metraco, fits in with the Code of Ethics and is consistent with any regulations applicable in the Company.
We protect our business partners and our personnel from any situations which might be not in accordance with the Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Policy. We strictly observe effective legal regulations and standards. We respect the practices used in our business areas and limit the areas of any risk and bribery.
We do our best to prevent any form of corruption and bribery and we expect the same from our partners and stakeholders.

Information Security Policy
KGHM Metraco S.A.’s Information Security Policy defines the scope of information constituting the trade secret. Such information was classified as „T.P. Metraco S.A.”.
Any information included in a document classified as „T.P. Metraco S.A.” and in its appendixes constitutes the trade secret pursuant to the Act of 16 April 1993 on combatting unfair competition (concolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2003 No. 153 item 1503).
Any person who received such a document or accidentally came into possession of the same, not being its addressee, is obliged to promptly notify KGHM Metraco S.A. in Legnica by calling the following phone number 76/8667700 (Secretary’s Office) or by emailing at: