KGHM Metraco attaches great importance to corporate social responsibility and has been implementing activities related to it for years.
Sustainable development and circular economy are inscribed in the company's business model. On the one hand, Metraco focuses on ensuring KGHM Polska Miedź with supplies of Cu scrap - making the production of copper smelters more environmentally friendly, on the other hand, around the reuse of waste generated in the production of copper. This waste is then transformed in Metraco installations into road aggregates and metallic rhenium, which are valued on the market.
The company makes every effort to ensure the highest standards of environmental protection. Commercial and production activities are strictly controlled, e.g. in terms of environmental protection and is subject to certification. The beginnings of the work, which resulted in an extensive Integrated Management System (ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001) covering the entire company, dates back to 2003. Additionally, since 2021 our company has a certified Anti-Corruption Management System compliant with the requirements of the ISO 37001:2016 standard.
Supporting local initiatives has been an important element of the company's activity for many years. Since 2008, KGHM Metraco cooperates in this respect with the Polska Miedź Foundation. Regardless of this, every year Metraco supports initiatives that, in the company's opinion, have a positive impact on the development of the local community.
In recent years, the child care in Golanka Dolna has been under the constant care of the company and its employees. Every year, help is directed to the children in this facility in various ways.
Metraco sees the company's employees as its most valuable asset and cares about their development. It provides them with the possibility of both vertical and horizontal promotion and enables them to improve themselves through numerous trainings. The company has trade unions and a works council.
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