Integrated Management System Policy
KGHM Metraco SA, founded in 1991, is a specialised trading and production company belonging to the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group.
The main objective of the Company’s operations is to provide comprehensive and efficient services to KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. by purchasing and processing copper scrap (the Company is the largest recipient of copper scrap in Poland), selling rock salt (KGHM Metraco S.A. is a significant supplier of road salt on the domestic market), producing and selling crushed aggregates (we are one of the largest domestic producers of crushed aggregates successfully used in road construction), producing metallic rhenium and ammonium perrhenate as well as through transshipment of sulphuric acid and recovery of metals from industrial waste etc.
The Company’s mission is to provide effective customer service, continuous improvement of the quality of products and services it provides and effective use of raw materials as part of the promoted Circular Economy.
In order to ensure high quality products and services, the Company takes into account the requirements of current and future customers and other interested parties. Its activities are planned and implemented in an environmentally friendly manner, ensuring safe working conditions and maintaining full transparency and zero tolerance for corruption. The Company has implemented and undertakes to maintain and constantly improve the Integrated Management System. Thanks to the commitment of its management and employees, KGHM Metraco S.A. offers its customers significant added value and is distinguished by: innovation, support for the development of products and technologies and professionalism. In addition, the Company strives to prevent cases of corruption and also to develop a high level of anti-corruption awareness, in which each employee and business partner assumes responsibility for the transparency of the activities they carry out. The Company’s business processes involve taking action to eliminate known internal and external threats related to secure information processing and possible causes of disruption within the business continuity.

The Board of Directors of the Company declares the implementation of this Policy by:
- Meeting the requirements of ISO 9001, EN 9100, ISO 14001, ISO 22301, ISO/IEC 27001, ISO 37001 and ISO 45001 as well as legal and other compliance related requirements applicable to the Company’s operations.
- Protecting the environment by preventing pollution.
- Rational use of resources to improve the environmental performance of operations.
- Ensuring safe and hygienic working conditions in order to prevent work-related injuries or health ailments, eliminate hazards and reduce risks related to occupational safety.
- Participation of employees and their representatives and consultation on activities affecting work safety.
- Compliance with the guidelines of the Code of Ethics and Anti-Corruption Policy of the Company and the KGHM Group.
- Compliance with the applicable requirements in the field of information security and those resulting from the Information Security Policy of the KGHM Group in order to ensure the consistent processing of information.
- Identifying, planning and implementing the actions necessary to reduce the risk and possible effects of disruptions in the implementation of the main processes.
- Taking into account the identified opportunities and threats and the size of the estimated risk in decision-making.
- Providing competent personnel and the means and resources necessary to achieve the anticipated results and objectives and continuous improvement of the Integrated Management System.
- Improving the knowledge and qualifications of the Company’s employees through a system of training and professional development.

The policy of the Integrated Management System is:
- Known, understood and used by the Company’s employees,
- Widely available to the Company’s employees, business partners and other interested parties.
- Appropriate to the purpose, size, specific nature of the potential opportunities and risks identified and the specific context of the Company,
- In accordance with the strategic directions of the Company’s development.